GLIL Website Disclaimer

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The content (including but not limited to all information and data) contained in this section of the website is published by GLIL Infrastructure LLP (GLIL) and is provided on GLIL’s behalf by Local Pensions Partnership Investments Ltd (LPPI), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). LPPI is a fully owned subsidiary of Local Pensions Partnership Ltd.

This section of the website is not intended for the general public. Its content is directed at and published for persons who are defined as Professional Clients under the rules of the FCA, and specifically a UK pension scheme or the professional financial advisor to such a scheme. The services provided by GLIL are only available to persons classified as Professional Clients.

The contents of this website are only directed at Professional Clients in the UK reasonably believed to be of a kind to whom such promotions may be communicated.

This website and its contents is for information purposes only. Nothing contained in this website shall be construed as an offer, or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments. Shares of the investment funds described herein are offered solely on the basis of the information and representations expressly set forth in the relevant offering circulars, and no other information or representations may be relied upon in connection with the offering of the shares. The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invested.

Nothing contained in this website constitutes investment, legal, tax or any other advice nor should any of the information or contents be relied on in making an investment or any other decision. You should obtain appropriate independent professional advice before making any investment decision.

GLIL was established in 2015 by Greater Manchester Pension Fund (GMPF) and the London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA) with £500 million of capital commitments.

Today, committed capital is at £4.1 billion, of which £3 billion is currently deployed across 15 diverse assets.

GLIL timeline

In Decem­ber 2016, Lan­cashire Coun­ty Pen­sion Fund (LCPF), Mersey­side Pen­sion Fund (MPF) and West York­shire Pen­sion Fund (WYPF) were admit­ted as mem­bers of GLIL, increas­ing com­mit­ted cap­i­tal to £1,275 billion.

On 31 March 2018, GLIL Infra­struc­ture became an open-end­ed fund struc­ture to facil­i­tate wider par­tic­i­pa­tion by UK pen­sion funds, paving the way for new mem­bers. GLIL is cat­e­gorised as an Alter­na­tive Invest­ment Fund (AIF) for reg­u­la­to­ry pur­pos­es and Local Pen­sions Part­ner­ship Invest­ments (LPPI) was appoint­ed by GLIL as the Alter­na­tive Invest­ment Fund Man­ag­er (AIFM). LPPI is autho­rised and reg­u­lat­ed by the Finan­cial Con­duct Author­i­ty. LPPI is a whol­ly-owned invest­ment man­age­ment arm of Local Pen­sions Part­ner­ship Ltd. Rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the four Found­ing Mem­bers are for­mal­ly sec­ond­ed to LPPI to allow them to par­tic­i­pate in the invest­ment deci­sion mak­ing process man­aged by LPPI.