How UK pension funds can further boost infrastructure

29 Feb­ru­ary 2024

In this episode, we explore the scale of invest­ment by UK pen­sion funds in the coun­try’s infra­struc­ture and the poten­tial for growth, draw­ing on lessons from around the world.

GIIA’s Direc­tor of Cor­po­rate Affairs, Simon Mon­tague, is joined by guests Ted Frith, Chief Oper­at­ing Offi­cer at GLIL Infra­struc­ture, and Surinder Toor, founder of Arjun Infra­struc­ture Part­ners, who delve into the need for cit­i­zens to bet­ter under­stand how pen­sion funds invest­ing their retire­ment sav­ings in infra­struc­ture both under­pins soci­ety and grows their income in lat­er life.